Welcome my fellow passengers

If you feel like your emotions, feelings, entire bodies are cycling on a daily roller coaster, this is your safe place to share, vent, and maybe just help each other find the exit sign to these crazy rides most doctors and therapists refer to as Bipolar II/ a.k.a. Bipolar Depression.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Racing Thoughts

I wish there was a switch I could find that would link directly to my brain.  Not an "on/off" switch--I need more of a dimmer type switch.

I think I can physically feel, at times (like right now), the neurotransmitters firing and bouncing off of each other so fast that it hurts.  It's at these times that I have a distinct urge to hit my head against a wall.  I have no idea why that is my instant self-harm method of choice, but it is.  While some people think about cutting themselves or drinking themselves into numbness, I want to hit my head.  The funny thing is that I've only done it once--many years ago and it did not do anything but give me a giant goose egg and headache.  Still, I want to do it and always wonder if I could just hit it hard enough to shake things up and realign whatever is misaligned up there.  My brain is on overdrive and feels like a fuse will blow soon and everything will just shut down.

At other times, my brain feels like it is stuck in cement.  Everything is a chore.  Having to remember my own name feels as difficult as solving a quadratic equation.  Having to put on a happy face is torture.  Sometimes other peoples' voices sound just like the teacher on the Snoopy cartoons and I can't focus--it is too much work.

I want the dimmer switch that can bring me right where I need to be.  Alert yet calm and feeling connected.  I'll find it soon, but until then, I'm hanging in there--

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